Showing 73–90 of 233 results

Flower Mix, Hummingbird Haven Flower Mix Seeds

1.350 KD

Your garden haven for hummingbirds will not only attract and provide nectar for the tiny, bright creatures, but also present you with a glorious array of vivid floral colors that will last spring to fall for your enjoyment as well. Attracts other pollinators, too! Shake packet gently before opening to ensure even mixture of seeds.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Bee Balm; 2. Butterfly Weed, 3. Shooting Star Columbine; 4. Coral Bells; 5. Flowering Tobacco; 6. Foxglove; 7. Godetia; 8. Dark Colors Hollyhock; 9. Lupine; 10. Nasturtium; 11. Penstemon; 12. Annual Phlox; 13. Red-Hot Poker; 14. Rocket Larkspur; 15. Spider Flower; 16. Standing Cypress; 17. Texas Sage; 18. Zinnia
Weight: 3.5 grams (~672)

Flower Mix, Made in the Shade Flower Mix Seeds

1.350 KD

Provide interest for areas with dappled shade or as little as four hours of sun with this brightly colored mix that attracts pollinators.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Baby Blue Eyes; 2. Baby’s Breath; 3. Tom Thumb Balsam; 4. Tussock Bellflower; 5. Candytuft; 6. Coleus Rainbow; 7. Columbine; 8. Alpine Forget-Me-Not; 9. Chinese Forget-Me-Not; 10. Johnny-Jump-Up; 11. Virginia Stock; 12. Shirley Poppy; 13. Dwarf Spurred Snapdragon; 14. Sweet William; 15. English Wallflower
Weight: 3 grams (~2424 seeds)

Flower Mix, Pollinator Garden Flower Mix Seeds – Organic

1.600 KD

Busy little pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and moths, are an important part of our ecosystem and responsible for about one third of the food that we eat! Help your pollinators out with a supply of their favorites. This colorful mix feeds and shelters them all summer long, and many of the annuals will reseed to return the following season. Sown at a rate of 20 seeds per sq. ft., this mix covers approximately 20 sq. ft.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Dill
  2. Borage
  3. Basil Purple Petra
  4. Hyssop True
  5. Calendula Zeolights
  6. Zinnia Thumbelina
  7. Bachelor’s Button
  8. Poppy Lauren’s Grape
  9. Cosmos Sensation Blend
  10. Sunflower Dwarf

Weight: 2 grams

Flower Mix, Precious Pollinators Flower Mix Seeds

1.350 KD

Did you know pollinators help us by pollinating a third or more of the food we eat? Precious Pollinators mix provides food and nectar to a wide range of pollinators, including insects, butterflies, and moths. Colorful mix with varying heights and bloom times of annual and perennial flowers and herbs, many of which are native to North America.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Smooth Aster; 2. Borage; 3. Cosmos; 4. Dill; 5. Lance-leaved Coreopsis; 6. Lemon Bee Balm; 7. Naughty Marietta marigold; 8. Milkweed; 9. Phacelia; 10. Purple Coneflower; 11. Red Clover; 12. Scarlet Sage; 13. Sunflower, Queen mix; 14. California Giant Zinnia
Weight: 3 grams (~499 seeds)

Fairy Meadow Flower Mix Seeds (large package)

2.400 KD

This charming mix of wildflowers, herbs, and low-growing plants transforms any area into a beautiful flowering meadow that provides nectar and habitat for a wide range of garden sprites.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Carpet of Snow Alyssum
  2. Baby Blue Eyes
  3. Tussock Bellflower
  4. Candytuft
  5. California Bluebells
  6. California Poppy
  7. Dwarf Columbine
  8. Corn Poppy
  9. Creeping Daisy
  10. Showy Evening Primrose
  11. Chinese Forget-Me-Not
  12. Johnny-Jump-up
  13. Swiss Giant Pansy
  14. Maiden Pinks
  15. Spurred Snapdragon
  16. Winter Thyme

Flower Mix, Save the Bees Flower Mix Seeds

1.350 KD

The flowering plants in this mix provide food for many of the over 4000 bee species in North America. With so many gorgeous flowers and tasty herbs you’ll appreciate this bountiful mix as much as the bees!

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Sweet Basil; 2. Bergamot; 3. Black-Eyed Susan; 4. Borage; 5. California Poppy; 6. Catnip; 7. Cilantro/Coriander; 8. Coreopsis, Lance-leaved; 9. Cosmos; 10. Dill; 11. Annual Gaillardia; 12. Globe Gilia; 13. Rigid Goldenrod; 14. Lavender Hyssop; 15. Lemon Mint; 16. Purple Prairie Clover; 17. Siberian Wallflower; 18. Sunflower; 19. Cut and Come Again Zinnia.
Weight: 4 grams (~1120 seeds)

Flower Mix, Southern Hills and Plains Flower Mix Seeds (Large Packet) – Native

2.400 KD

Fill your garden with the beauty of beloved wildflowers. Spring starts blooming with blue and white Texas Bluebonnets, followed by shades of yellow, purple, red and orange that burst into view during the summer months. Many plants continue flowering well into fall until frost. Adding to the colorful show is the sight and sound of the butterflies, bees and other pollinators attracted to the floral display. Annuals and biennials may self-seed to return in following years, while perennials return providing for years of beauty and enjoyment.

Mix includes (see diagram):

  1. Texas Bluebonnet
  2. Annual Phlox
  3. Lance-leaved Coreopsis
  4. Purple Coneflower
  5. Indian Blanket
  6. Scarlet Sage
  7. Butterfly Flower
  8. Purple Prairie Clover
  9. Standing Cypress
  10. Clasping Coneflower
  11. Lemon Mint
  12. Dwarf Red Coneflower
  13. Showy Evening Primrose
Weight: 8 grams 

Forget-Me-Not, Spring and Summer Forget-Me-Not Seeds – Heirloom

1.000 KD

This lovely mix of part shade-loving flowers gives you an extended bloom period. M. sylvatica is the traditional, 6″–8″ tall forget-me-not that blooms in early spring and is perennial in USDA zones 3–8. Chinese forget-me-not (C. amabile), an annual, while not a true forget-me-not, has very similar flowers but grows 12″–24″ tall and will bloom into summer. Excellent for moist, part-shade areas, as a bulb cover, or early cover for rock gardens. NOTE: Myosotis is the smaller seed; Cynoglossum is the larger.

Weight: 800mg (~113 seeds)

Forget-Me-Not, Victoria Blue Forget-Me-Not Seeds

1.000 KD

If you’re looking for a shade plant, this is it! A darling, small, compact variety, ‘Victoria Blue’s’ eye-catching, petite, star-shaped flowers are perfect for the front of the garden or as a companion to spring bulbs. A herald of spring, the forget-me-not is also symbolic of friendship and remembrance.

Weight: 250mg (~320 seeds)

Forget-Me-Not, Victoria Pink Forget-Me-Not Seeds

1.000 KD

If you’re looking for a shade plant, this is it! A darling, small, compact variety, ‘Victoria Pink’s’ eye-catching, petite, star-shaped flowers attract pollinators, and are perfect for the front of the garden or as a companion to spring bulbs. A herald of spring, forget-me-nots are symbolic of friendship and remembrance.

Weight: 250mg (~320 seeds)

Four O’Clock, Marvel Of Peru Four O’Clock Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

Named for its characteristic of blooming after 4pm, fast-growing Four O’Clock flourishes almost anywhere including hot, windy spots, and tolerates most soil types. Fragrant, tubular flowers attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Excellent as an annual hedge. Reseeds freely. Wonderful in barrels, tubs, or other large containers.

Weight: 2g (~26 seeds)

Gaillardia, Goblin Gaillardia Seeds

0.950 KD

‘Goblin’ is a first-year flowering perennial and compact-growing selection created by crossing native gaillardias. Butterflies love the bright red and yellow bicolored flowers that are continually produced from summer through frost. After the petals fall, the round, reddish-brown seed heads mix among the flowers for added interest and for bird forage. Plants look great even in the heat of summer when many other plants seem to fade. Long-lasting flowers are ideal for fresh bouquets. Also called blanket flower.

Weight: 300mg

Gazania, Sunshine Blend Gazania Seeds

1.050 KD

Brighten up the garden with a beautiful array of sunny, warm colors from yellow to mauve and beyond. Gazania is a stunning groundcover with lush, low-growing greenery and blooms rising high on their stems to greet the day. Petals unfurl in the sunshine and close in cloud cover. Once established, plants are drought tolerant and thrive in heat, making them a good choice for a rock garden or wildflower area, but they will enhance just about any type of garden. Attracts pollinators. Perennial in USDA zones 9–11; often grown as an annual.

Weight: 250mg

Gomphrena, QIS Fiery Sunrise Blend Gomphrena Seeds

1.350 KD

“Showy” is an understatement when it comes to these bright globes of the summer garden. Not only do they sport bold colors, they add unique texture with their papery blooms. They last up to 2 weeks in the vase and are perfect for drying. Also known as globe amaranth, the tough plants don’t flinch at hot, humid weather or even drought.

Seed count: 30 seeds

Gourd, Birdhouse Hard-Shelled Gourd Seeds Heirloom

1.600 KD

Once properly cured, hard-shelled gourds, such as ‘Birdhouse’, can last for decades and can be painted, carved, cut, or drilled as you would do with wood, for hundreds of craft projects. ‘Birdhouse’ gourd of course makes a great birdhouse—leave natural or paint any color you want. Grow 10’–16′ vines on the ground or up a very sturdy trellis to produce mature gourds in 80 to 140 days. Also attracts hummingbirds!

Weight: 2.5g (~11 seeds)

Gourd, Corsican Gourd Hard-Shelled Seeds Heirloom

1.600 KD

Once cured, hard-shelled gourds, such as Corsican, will last indefinitely and can be painted, carved, cut, or drilled as you would do with wood for dozens of craft projects. Carve them, leave the natural color, or paint these 6″–10″ round and 3½”–5″ deep gourds any color you want. Gourds may be sown 24″ apart if trellised.

Weight: 2.5g, (~11 seeds)

Gourd, Speckled Swan Hard-shelled Seeds

1.350 KD

A vibrant, emerald green dotted with light green speckles, ‘Speckled Swan’ makes a naturally beautiful addition to an autumnal display. Hard-shelled gourds, like ‘Speckled Swan’, can also be cured and last indefinitely—perfect for craft projects to let your imagination run wild! Carve, cut, drill, or paint them like you would do with wood for a variety of creative endeavors. See inside of packet for curing instructions. ‘Speckled Swan’ will usually have a curved neck, but a few may be straight.

Weight: 10 Seeds