Broccoli, Rapini Broccoli Raab Seeds – Organic, Heirloom

1.150 KD

There is a good reason the Europeans love Rapini; the tender stems, buds, flowers, and leaves have a wonderfully delicate and slightly bitter, peppery broccoli flavor, that can be enjoyed in salads, stir-fries, or steamed. Budding florets should be harvested just before the flowers open for best flavor. Known in Italy as “broccoletti”.

Weight: 1gram

Cauliflower, Romanesco Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

Is it art or food? Both! ‘Romanesco’ is not actually a cauliflower, but somewhere between a broccoli and cauliflower, with 5″-6″ heads. First noted by Italians in the 16th century, it is now catching the eyes of gourmet chefs. Cooked, ‘Romanesco’ has a delicious nutty flavor and a texture similar to cauliflower. Easier to grow for fall harvest as a warm spring may delay heads until fall.

Weight: 1gram (~240 seeds)

Brussels Sprouts, Long Island Improved Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

Modern chefs have transformed this historically disliked vegetable into a much-sought-after food that is delicious deep fried, steamed, or roasted. Give them plenty of water, nutrients, and time to grow before they begin forming sprouts. Covering plants with row covers after sowing will help exclude pests. You can leave plants in the garden into the winter, as they are hardy to 10°F. Frost actually improves the flavor and the plants resemble little palm trees when dusted with snow.

Weight: 1gram (~142 seeds)

Cabbage, Copenhagen Market Cabbage Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

Introduced by H. Hartman & Company in 1909, this Danish original has been a gardeners’ favorite for over a century and is the standard of excellence for many varieties that were developed after it. Quick-to-mature cabbage heads are 6″-8″ in diameter and 3-4 pounds, tightly wrapped, and perfect for small gardens. Adaptable to a range of climates. Resists splitting and stores up to 6 months.

Weight: 1.5grams

Cabbage, One Kilo Slow Bolt Napa Cabbage Seeds

1.050 KD

Also called napa cabbage, ‘One Kilo Slow Bolt’ has a delicate flavor, a soft texture in between that of lettuce and regular cabbage, and tight heads have a creamy yellow interior. Cabbage is most reliable when sown in mid- to late summer for fall harvest, although because this napa is quick to mature and slow to bolt, it’s also a good candidate for spring sowing. Grows best at 60°-65°F (~15.5-18.5C).

Weight: 300mg

Cabbage, Red Acre Seeds – Organic

1.000 KD

Perk up cole slaw or your favorite stir-fry with this gorgeous, deep-red cabbage. The sweet flavor of cabbage fresh from the garden is much better than store-bought. Solid heads form early on small, compact plants making ‘Red Acre’ an ideal choice for small gardens. Resistant to splitting and cabbage yellows disease. Heads store exceptionally well in the refrigerator or root cellar.
Now available in organic!

Weight: 1.5grams

Carrot, Atomic Red Seeds

1.150 KD

Atomic Red’ is an 8″-10″ long, crisp, sweet imperator-type root. When you steam, roast, or stir-fry it, the contrast between the brilliant, deep red outer layer and orange core intensifies. Grow successive crops every 3 weeks to ensure continuous harvests as this colorful carrot is sure to be in high demand once it is seen and tasted.

Weight: 700mg (~356 seeds)

Carrot, Red Cored Chantenay Carrot Seeds -Heirloom

0.950 KD

‘Red Cored Chantenay’ has 6″-long, thick, blunt roots, making it reliable even in heavy or shallow soils. Expect big yields that resist splitting and forking. An excellent variety for juicing, canning, freezing, and cooking in soups and hearty stews. Excellent storage carrot, growing sweeter with time.

Weight: 1 Gram

Carrot, Shin Kuroda Carrot Seeds

0.950 KD

Late planting your garden? ‘Shin Kuroda’ is quite heat resistant, so don’t hesitate to sow in late spring, and even into the summer (when you might be doubtful about sowing carrots). Shin means “new” in Japanese, which alludes to its improved, tapered, 5″-long roots with wide shoulders, that grow through heavy soils with ease. Simply unsurpassed for flavor—one of the sweetest carrots you will eat!

Weight: 1 Gram

Collards, Georgia Southern Collards Seeds – Heirloom

1.000 KD

A staple in the South, collards are a nutritious and versatile vegetable that grows in hot or cold regions with ease. ‘Georgia Southern’ has been enjoyed since the 1800s. The large leaves not only make delicious steamed greens, they also make fantastic wraps (a low-calorie substitute for tortillas), and when young, hearty salad greens. Fall frosts make them sweeter, and they may overwinter, as they can survive temperatures down to 20°F. Excellent container variety.

Weight: 3 grams

Carrot, Carnival Blend Seeds – Organic

1.350 KD

Grown and eaten in Asia and Europe 1,000 years ago, these colorful carrots are available once again. Just like the popular orange carrots, red, purple, white, and yellow carrots contain plenty of vitamin A and other healthful nutrients. Carnival Blend carrots can also be harvested when only 3″-4″ long for gourmet baby carrots.

Weight: 500mg (~254 seeds)

Carrot, Cosmic Purple Carrot Seeds

1.050 KD
While colored carrots seem to be new to home gardens, they have been around for centuries. In fact, the purple carrot has been around for at least 1,000 years. After losing out to the more popular orange carrots long ago, purple carrots have been rediscovered. Kids will love them as a colorful snack. Besides being high in vitamin A, purple carrots contain anthocyanin (an antioxidant).
Weight: 700 mg (~ 356 seeds)

Carrot, Tonda di Parigi, Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

Small size, but big flavor! ‘Tonda di Parigi’, Italian for “Round of Paris”, is deep orange, sweet and tender, and the round shape is a unique feature among carrots. Shallow roots mean you can grow it in a shallower bed or even in a container!

Weight: 800mg (~406 seeds)

Cauliflower, Snowball Y Cauliflower Seeds – Organic

1.000 KD

Flavorful, 6″ snow-white heads in just 70 to 80 days means ‘Snowball Y’ is successful in short-season areas. The leaves naturally curl nicely around the heads providing self-blanching and protection from sun scald. Mature heads hold well in the garden, so they don’t all have to be picked at once.

Weight: 750mg (~180 seeds)

Celery, Utah Celery Seeds – Organic, Heirloom

1.000 KD

Imagine slicing that first, big, beautiful bunch of celery from the earth in your garden. You can harvest individual stalks when just 6″ tall or wait for the bunch to mature. Celery grows best in climates with long, mild-temperature seasons, but with a few helpful tips, it can be grown almost anywhere.

Weight: 350mg

Corn (Sweet), Buttergold Sweet Corn Seeds

1.050 KD

You can enjoy flavorful, tender, sweet corn sooner than ever before! With superior cool soil emergence, ‘Buttergold’ performs well in northern climates, but also does well anywhere that other corn varieties are grown. The large, 7″–8″ ears have 12–14 rows of juicy, yellow kernels. Excellent for freezing.

Weight: 10 Grams

Corn (Sweet), Martian Jewels Sweet Corn Seeds – Organic

1.350 KD
Though the striking color is other-worldly, the flavor of this one-of-a-kind jewel is more traditional—slightly less sweet than modern, very sweet hybrids. It was a labor of love to produce an open-pollinated corn that is loaded with beneficial anthocyanins (antioxidants), thanks to its Native American Hopi blue corn parents. Harvest fresh, or wait a bit longer and the sugar subsides, becoming perfect for breads or chowder, or wait even longer to harvest, and use the dried kernels for flour.
Weight: 9grams (~50 seeds)

Corn (Sweet), Painted Hill Sweet Corn Seeds – Organic

1.350 KD

This colorful, open-pollinated sweet corn was developed from a cross of ‘Painted Mountain’ flour (Indian) corn with the heirloom sweet corn, ‘Luther Hill’. The 7″, multi-colored ears make a beautiful display, and every kernel is filled with robust, old-time corn flavor. Color is pale when fresh, but color intensifies when dried. Because ‘Painted Mountain’ was selected from the Rocky Mountains, ‘Painted Hill’ is adapted for short growing seasons and can germinate even in cool, wet soils.

Weight: 8grams (~38 seeds)