Variety Info.:
Botanical Name: Vicia villosa
Days to Maturity: 60 Days
Family: Fabacea
Native: Africa, Asia, and Europe
Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annual, winter hardy in USDA zones 4 and warmer
Plant Dimensions: 24″ tall; plants can reach 12′ long
Variety Information: Hairy vetch is a sprawling legume with white to purple flowers, that is valuable for providing nitrogen to the soil. Some research shows that as a mulch, it can increase the subsequent crop’s disease resistance.
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Attributes: Cold Tolerant
Sowing Info.:
When to Sow Outside: 4 to 6 weeks before your average first fall frost date for a crop the following spring. Can also be sown in early spring or summer. Will germinate slowly in soil as cool as 40°F, more ideally 60°–75°F.
When to Start Inside: Not applicable.
Days to Emerge: 10 – 15 Days
Seed Depth: ½”
Seed Spacing: Scatter seeds about 3″ apart
Thinning: Not Applicable