Areca Palm

22.500 KD

The Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens), also known as the Butterfly Palm or Golden Cane Palm, is a popular indoor and outdoor plant known for its graceful appearance and air-purifying qualities. It is often chosen as a decorative plant for homes, offices, and public spaces due to its elegant fronds and tropical vibes.


Pot Size: 28 Cm

Plant Height: 125 Cm

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SKU: IP-ArecaPalm Category:

The Areca Palm features multiple slender, arching stems that grow in clusters from the base. The stems are covered with smooth, golden-yellow or light green colored bark, giving it a vibrant and tropical look. The plant can reach a height of around 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 meters) indoors and can grow much taller outdoors in its native habitats.

Water – The leaves/fronds of Areca Palm yellow due to irregular watering and a parched plant. Water your plant regularly whenever the topsoil dries out. Ensure that the soil is moist at all times but not soggy.

Light – Finding the right spot for your Areca Palm is very important. This plant needs a bright, indirect sunlight or dappled light filtered by blinds or curtains.

Soil – Rich, moist soil.

detailed care guide for areca

Scientific Name: Areca Dypsis Lutescens (this is the most common Areca, although there are over 50 varieties) also known as Butterfly Palm, Golden Cane Palm, or Yellow Palm

Origin: Madagascar

Light: Loves light and can even tolerate some direct sunlight – put the Areca palm next to a west or south facing window for best growth

Water: Areca Palms require just enough water to keep the soil moist, but not so much water that it’s drowning. This may take a bit of trial and error. You’ll want to check your plant daily to make sure that it’s not too dry. Strive for moist soil but not soggy and you’ll do well. During the cooler winter months, you can allow the soil to dry out in between watering.

Soil: Very important to have well-draining potting mix – generally palms need special palm soil that is sandier than average houseplant soil.

Temperature: 16°C – 24ºC

Fertilizer: Balanced houseplant fertilizer applied every month (or even every two months) during the growing season

Humidity: Average humidity of 40-60% is perfect.

Pruning: You can prune the fronds from an areca palm to help all the leaves get enough light. Generally, these palms are not sensitive to pruning, and occasionally cutting off some fronds can help a mature plant reach its 10-year lifespan. It’s not advisable to prune the brown tips off palm leaves. Snipping off the brown tips can cause the whole frond to die. So, only trim dead fronds if they have turned brown or look unsightly.

Re-Potting: One of the reasons why indoor Areca Palms are easy to care for is that they rarely need repotting. While some houseplants need repotting every year, you can repot a golden palm every three years or less. Butterfly palms are planted in clumps, and they form new clumps as they grow. Most palms thrive when they are slightly rootbound.

Propagation: Areca Palms spread by growing from their base clusters of offshoots or canes. To propagate your areca palm, remove an offshoot with some of the roots from the base of the plant using a knife. Place the roots in a bowl of water for an hour and then transfer into a pot.

Diseases and Pests: Arecas are susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs. Check frequently under the leaves to spot these pests early.

Toxicity: Non-toxic to humans or animals.

areca origins & overview

The Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens, formerly Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) comes from Madagascar where it grows in the wild. The Areca Palm is one of the most popular houseplant palms because it is inexpensive and easy to grow.

With a smooth silver green trunk, the Areca Palm is topped by feathery fronds. These fronds grow in clusters or thick clumps. These clusters are approximately six to eight leaves, on long curving upward petioles. It gives them the appearance of butterflies.

Since full grown Areca Palms are quite expensive, most people buy them when they are small and use them as a tabletop plant.

Areca Palms grow approximately 15 to 25 cm annually until they reach their maturity at about 2 meters tall. They have a lifetime of approximately ten years provided they are well cared for.

areca light requirements

One of the most important factors intending to your Areca Palm is to give it the proper amount of light. Areca Palms tend to do best with bright, indirect sunlight. South or west facing windows are great as long as you ensure that the plant remains out of direct sunlight for the majority of the day.

If the plant gets too much direct sunlight, it may turn a yellowish green in color. Try putting it in a different window or location if this happens. If the palm leaves start to wilt and droop, make sure that it’s in a bright-enough location and has not dried out.

how to water the areca

The time to water an Areca Palm growing indoors is when the soil is partly dry. Check to make sure that the top part of the potting mix is dry before watering. When it comes time to water, provide deep watering by pouring in enough water until it runs out of the pot’s drainage holes.

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