عرض 157–168 من أصل 213 نتيجة

Poppy (California), Orange California Poppy Seeds – Heirloom, Native

1.000 KD

Imagine what a sight it was for early explorers and settlers when they first laid eyes on the California hillsides massed with golden-orange flowers fluttering in the breeze. This drought-tolerant heirloom, the state flower of California, attracts pollinators and is an ideal plant for naturalized, wildflower areas. Reseeds readily.

Weight: 2 gram (~1040 seeds)

Poppy (Corn), American Legion Corn Poppy Seeds – Heirloom

1.000 KD

John McCrae, a Canadian physician and soldier who served in World War I, immortalized the Flanders poppy, also known as corn poppy. His poem, “In Flanders Fields” spoke of these red poppies as reminders of those who had lost their lives in war. Scatter them in early spring or fall for your own personal memorial, or simply enjoy them for their glorious beauty.

Weight: 1 gram (~5600 seeds)

Poppy (Corn), Mother of Pearl Poppy Seeds

1.150 KD

As precious as a pearl! ‘Mother of Pearl’ poppies practically glow in stunning shades of pink, white, and purple, with showy crepe paper-like petals and contrasting dark centers. This blend is stunning when planted in mass along borders or in garden beds. Incredibly low-maintenance and drought tolerant, this vigorous, easy-to-grow poppy will bring long-lasting color to the garden and attract pollinators all summer long! Harvest seed pods to add to dried floral bouquets. Deer resistant.


Poppy, Peony Double Blend Poppy Seeds – Heirloom

1.000 KD

Jazz up your front walkway border with the ruffled explosion of color of peony poppies! These fully double, 3″–5″, colorful flowers with soft, blue-green foliage will reward you with a bounty of blooms for cut flowers, and pods for dried arrangements.

Weight: 1 gram

Portulaca, Double Blend Portulaca (Moss Rose) Seeds Heirloom

0.950 KD

Low-growing plants create a carpet of brilliantly colored, 1″–2″ rose-like, double flowers that bloom on sunny days throughout the heat of summer. Very drought tolerant, moss roses need only occasional watering. Wonderful for dry banks and areas with reflected heat such as parking strips or along concrete sidewalks. Self-sows readily!

Weight: 250 mg

Salvia, Blue Victory Salvia Seeds

0.950 KD

“Blue Victory’ has a wonderfully long bloom period, and with its deep violet-purple flowers looks absolutely incredible planted in mass or in containers. It attains a heights of only 20” and makes an excellent cut or dried flower. Does well in hot, humid climates and is fairly drought tolerant once established. This species, also called mealycup sage, grows on dry hillsides in Texas and New Mexico.

Weight: 100mg (~76 seeds)

Salvia, Violet Queen Salvia Seeds

0.950 KD

‘Violet Queen’s’ flowers and leaves share a wonderful scent in the garden. It blooms non-stop through the summer; just remove the spent flower spikes and enjoy its lovely, continual violet color in garden beds mixed with colorful annuals. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators will also flock to the show. Snip a few full blooms for bouquets and table-top arrangements. Start indoors and be rewarded with first-year blooms. Drought-tolerant and perennial in USDA zones 3–9. Deer resistant.

Weight: 150mg

Scabiosa, Black Knight Scabiosa Pincushion Flower Seeds – Heirloom

1.050 KD

This almost-black beauty is equally at home in formal and cottage gardens. Scabiosa blooms for an exceptionally long time, is fairly drought tolerant, and is very attractive to bees and butterflies. Long stems are great for fresh cut flowers. Dried seed heads also add interest to flower arrangements. A top-notch garden cultivar since the 1600s when it was known as ‘Blackmoor’s Beauty’ or ‘Mournful Widow’.

Seed count: 25 seeds.

Scabiosa, Starflower Scabiosa/Pincushion Flower Seeds

1.000 KD

Delicate, pale blue and white celestial flowers isn’t where the show stops. Starflower seedheads will have you stargazing at a sphere covered in translucent, papery, striped cups cradling a five-pointed, dark star. Expect eons of enjoyment as the seedheads shine brightly for an indefinite amount of time in dried floral arrangements. Simply clip the stems to the desired length and hang upside down to dry. A prolific bloomer, the plants will be covered in flowers and seedheads from mid-summer to frost. Fresh flowers are a graceful addition to bouquets. Also known as drumstick flower. Attracts pollinators. Deer resistant.

Weight: 1 gram (~24 seeds.)

Salpiglossis, Superbissima Blend Salpiglossis Seeds – Heirloom

1.000 KD

Salpiglossis, also called painted tongue, has velvety flowers with metallic coloration and veination that has to be seen to be believed! A gardener in the early 1900s described them as having “bewildering combinations”. Flowers beckon admirers to take a closer look, and are irresistible to butterflies. Performs best in cool weather. Excellent cut flowers.

Weight: 300mg

Shasta Daisy, Alaska Shasta Daisy Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

Shasta daisy is possibly the oldest hybridized American garden flower. Large, bright white flowers bloom continuously from summer to fall, making it a beautiful addition to any perennial garden. Plants are easy to grow from seed, and long-lived for years of enjoyment. The 3″ blooms attract bees and butterflies, and make great cut flowers. Produce colored flowers by placing stems in a water with food coloring!

Weight: 250mg

Snapdragon, Magic Carpet Blend Snapdragon Seeds

0.950 KD

If you love “snaps” you’ll want to grow this dwarf variety of the old garden favorite. With a lovely combination of colors, it adds charm when planted with other low-growing annuals in flower beds and borders. The perfect size for containers, or even hanging baskets, and attract pollinators. Snaps do best in cool weather. A good cut flower for your petite bouquet.

Weight: 350mg (~2520 seeds)