عرض 109–120 من أصل 213 نتيجة

Lupine, Russell Blend Lupine Seeds – Heirloom

1.050 KD

This 1937 selection from England contains an array of colors on tall spikes that are quite dramatic when planted in mass, and in groups in a mixed border. A short-lived perennial in USDA zones 4–7, Russell lupines were developed to be grown as annuals in warmer climates, so everyone can enjoy its statuesque beauty.

Weight: 1.5grams (~54 seeds)

Marigold (African), Crackerjack African Marigold Seeds – Heirloom

0.950 KD

If you want a large, majestic marigold, Crackerjack is a superior blend with a mounding form, consistent height, and sturdy flower stalks. 4″ blooms in tangerine orange, rich gold, and lemony yellow will brighten up your flower bed, path edges, and large container plantings. They make radiant, long-lasting cut flowers and are so easy to grow from seed. For a dazzling contrast, plant next to blue or dark purple flowers.

Weight: 750mg (~180 seeds)

Marigold (African), Kilimanjaro White African Marigold

1.050 KD

It took 21 years and thousands of dollars to develop a white marigold that made its debut in 1975. By growing ‘Kilimanjaro White’, you become a part of the horticultural history and determination that led this seed to your very garden. An awe-inspiring color in the world of marigolds, these 2½” vanilla-white blossoms make a fabulous contrast in any garden and cut-flower arrangement. They have a lovely, sweet scent; different from other marigolds. Marigolds attract butterflies and are fairly drought tolerant.

Weight: 200mg (~48 seeds)

Marigold (French), Favourite Blend French Marigold Seeds

1.000 KD
Pollinators prefer this type of marigold over double marigolds because the sunny-colored single row of petals make it easier to reach the nectar. Plants grow and flower quickly with continuous, edible blooms from spring until frost.
Weight: 500 mg (~144 seeds)

Marigold (French), Naughty Marietta French Marigold Seeds – Heirloom

1.000 KD

These gorgeous yellow and maroon flowers are as beautiful as the starlet depicted on the poster of the 1935 movie, Naughty Marietta. This tough garden standard is very easy to grow from seed and blooms profusely and continuously from summer to frost. Fairly drought tolerant, great for containers, attracts butterflies, and may repel soil nematodes. A 1947 All-America Selections winner.

Weight: 500mg (~144 seeds).

Marigold (French), Red Metamorph French Marigold Seeds – Organic

1.050 KD

In cooler weather, Red Metamorph’s flowers are a deep burgundy, but when the weather warms, watch as splashes of yellow appear on the petals! Then when cooler weather comes back around, the blooms change back to solid burgundy. Beautiful as a garden hedge, this French marigold is stout and dense at about 2′-3′ tall. Prolific bloomer attracts beneficial insects.

Weight: 150mg (~36 seeds)

Marigold (signet), Gem Blend Signet Marigold Seeds – Organic, Heirloom

1.050 KD

At just 12″ tall, these rich-colored gems are great for borders, rock gardens, or containers, and attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. The flavor and scent of the edible leaves and flowers is floral, citrus, and spicy. Signet marigolds have long been used to add flavor and color recipes. Fairly drought tolerant. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Weight: 100mg (~105 seeds)

Milkweed (Butterfly Flower) Seeds – Native

1.000 KD

Butterflies will seek out your garden when you grow this vigorous, heirloom perennial, a preferred nectar plant for monarchs and other pollinators. Beginning in summer, you will be treated to a profusion of fiery, red-orange flowers followed by decorative green seed pods. Native to much of the United States. A nice addition to cut flower arrangements.

Weight: 150mg (~24 seeds)

Milkweed (Butterfly Flower), Common Milkweed/Butterfly Flower Seeds – Heirloom, Native

1.050 KD

Observe the monarch butterfly lifecycle right in your garden! This heirloom species provides food and habitat for monarch butterflies and is an essential host plant for their caterpillars. In summer, pink to purplish or white flowers are followed by decorative seedpods that are beautiful in dried arrangements. Robust, shrub-like perennial spreads by underground rhizomes. Native throughout much of the eastern and central United States. Sap is toxic; avoid eye/skin contact and do not ingest.

Weight: 150mg

Milkweed (Butterfly Flower), Hello Yellow Milkweed/Butterfly Flower Seeds – Native

1.350 KD

Add more color to your pollinator garden! Asclepias tuberosa is native to most of the U.S. and is usually orange, but sometimes plants magically take on regional characteristics, like this yellow beauty that was found in Colorado. A unique milkweed that will delight your visiting monarch butterflies who are dependant on milkweed for food and habitat. Drought tolerant and practically care free.

Weight: 150mg

Milkweed (Butterfly Flower), Irresistible Blend Milkweed/Butterfly Flower Seeds – Heirloom, Native

1.050 KD

Butterflies and hummingbirds will flock to your garden to feast on the sweet nectar of this easy-to-grow, heirloom perennial. Often called swamp milkweed, this species grows best in moist or wet soils, such as near a pond or stream, but the loosely-clumped plants also grow well in a garden with regular watering. Decorative seed pods are beautiful in dried arrangements. Sap is toxic; avoid eye/skin contact and do not ingest.

Weight: 150mg

Milkweed (Butterfly Flower), Narrowleaf Milkweed/Butterfly Flower Seeds – Heirloom, Native

1.050 KD

This milkweed is considered to be incredibly important to monarch butterflies, especially in California and other western states where it is native. Also known as Mexican whorled milkweed, it is a perfect xeric- and pollinator-garden plant with beautiful blooms that provide food and habitat for beneficial insects and many pollinators including the queen butterfly also pictured on the front of this packet. Not fussy about soil, and has high drought tolerance, though will also thrive in moist conditions. Add blooms to flower arrangements. Sap is toxic; avoid eye/skin contact and do not ingest. Perennial in USDA zones 6–10. Deer resistant.

Weight: 150mg