عرض 13–21 من أصل 21 نتيجة

Fish Soluble – Organic Liquid Fertilizer (سماد سمكي سائل)

3.950 KD26.000 KD

Fish soluble fertilizer is used for foliar or soil applications. It is recommended for all types of outdoor gardens & lawns. Fish soluble fertilizer stimulates vigorous growth and deep green color in your garden, as it’s a strong source of organic nitrogen, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and fish oils, It stimulates soil microbial life, promoting vigorous root development.


Available in:

Small = 1.5 Liter

Medium = 5 Liter

X-Large = 20 Liter


Customer responsible for own country CUSTOMS REGULATIONS!

توصيل في الكويت فقط للاحجام 5 لتر و اكبر

Kelp Meal – Organic Soil Amendment

2.500 KD3.500 KD

Kelp Meal is an excellent source of potassium & micronutrients as well as vitamins, beneficial enzymes & plant growth regulators & promoters. It contains over 60 naturally-chelated minerals and essential elements.
Kelp application enhances plant nutrition & overall vigor, encourages tolerance to crop stresses like insect pests, disease, frost, heat & drought.

Available in:

Small: 0.8KG; Medium: 1.6KG; Large:  4KG; X-Large:  8KG

Leaf Mold (compost) – Soil Mulch, Amendment & Conditioner

4.000 KD7.500 KD

Sustainable Organic Leaf Mold COMPOST consists of naturally decomposed tropical tree leaves. It consists of 100% pure naturally decomposed Cacao and other tropical trees leaves and branches. No chemicals were added during the decomposition process. It is an excellent source of humus, carbon, nutrients and beneficial microbes for your garden.


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Oyster Shell Flour – Organic Soil Amendment and Liming Agent

1.500 KD2.500 KD

المحار Oyster shell flour له استخدامات متعدده بالزراعة. احتواءه على الكالسيوم يساعد في معادلة حمضية التربة و بامتصاص النيترات وبتكوين الانزيمات و تقوية جدار الخلية في النبات.

بزراعة الورقيات مثل الخس والسبانخ او الملفوف والبروكلي نجد ان اضافة طحين المحار للتربة يحسن نمو وحيوية المحاصيل بشكل ملحوض.

خشونته ايضا تساهم في تهوية التربة و تمريرها للماء و بتحسين خواص التربة الفيزيائية بشكل عام.

Available in:

Small: 0.8KG; Medium: 1.6KG

PittMoss® GrowerGrade – Organic Soil Amendment, Conditioner and Peat Moss Substitute

3.000 KD5.500 KD

PittMoss GrowerGrade is an engineered fiber that is the most revolutionary advancement to happen to the gardening and horticultural industry in many decades. Simply add GrowerGrade to your favorite gardening soil to reduce your carbon footprint.

Unlike other soil ammendments PittMoss products are made and manufactured in the U.S.A

Made from organic, recycled natural cellulosic fibers with added nutrients and mineral ingredients. Waste cellulosic materials that are normally land filled are up-cycled into this valuable potting mix

PittMoss GrowerGrade has a structure comparable to peat moss with: aeration similar to perlite, Nutrient absorption equivalent to vermiculite, Moisture Holding Capacity Similar to Coir, Biological Activity Resembling Compost. Using PittMoss GrowerGrade instead of traditional peat moss can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released during the mining of peat bogs. Peat bogs trap about 30% of our planet’s C02.

Bag Sizes: 20L & 40L


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PittMoss® Plentiful- Organic Potting Mix

3.750 KD11.000 KD

Plentiful Organic Potting Mix is made from organic, recycled natural cellulosic fibers blended with organic fertilizer. 

Use PittMoss Plentiful Organic Potting Mix to replace peat-based mixes to grow organic fruits, vegetables and flowers! PittMoss Plentiful Organic Potting Mix combines the best of PittMoss’ unique up-cycled paper fibers with organic bark, organic bovine compost inoculate, organic poultry manure, and locally sourced compost. It can be used on it’s own or used to enhanced existing soils. Perfect to condition vegetable patches, fill containers, as a soil for raised bed gardens, and add great organic matter back into any space where you are growing indoor or outdoor plants!



توصيل في الكويت فقط FOR 1 & 2 Cu Ft SIZEs

Shrimp Meal – Organic Soil Amendment

2.500 KD3.500 KD

Shrimp Meal is an all-purpose fertilizer rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium and Chitin, a natural polysaccharide that helps plants develop healthy immune responses and help the beneficial soil organisms flourish.
It provides a concentrated source of minerals to all types of plants and like most marine based fertilizers is a natural product for enriching crop soils.

Available in:

Small: 0.8KG; Medium: 1.6KG; Large:  4KG; X-Large:  8KG

Worm Gold Vermicompost (Earthworm Castings) Fertilizer and Soil Amendment

10.500 KD

Earthworm Castings contain a perfect mix of readily available plant nutrients, growth and immune enhancers, and many minerals and trace elements. When applied to your gardens, this excellent organic plant food and soil builder will provide AMAZING results!

Our 100% Organic Earthworm Castings are produced in CALIFORNIA and exhibit IMPROVED BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY with plenty of Cellulose and CHITIN degraders, for better soil and plant HEALTH & PRODUCTION!

سماد دود الأرض (الفيرميكمبوست) مغذي النباتات العضوي و محسن التربة (من بايو بنز)

9.500 KD

سماد دود الارض يحتوي على مزيج ممتاز من المغذيات الجاهزة لامتصاص النبتة و محسنات النمو والمناعة للنبتة بالاضافة الى العديد من المعادن والعناصر النادرة. توقع نتائج ملحوظة و ممتازة عند استخدام هئا السماد الممتاز المتكامل متعدد الاستخدامات بالحديقة أو المزرعة.